Member Since 23 May 2009Offline Last Active Feb 23 2015 07:16 pm
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Picked up my new car today.. Not a Ford, or a Fiesta, but it's amazing. Photos to follow when cleaned..

Aha, well it's 17ft long so if it is a micra, someone has stretched it!
Sep 17 2012 03:55 pm -

Can't believe I'm going to buy my dream car in a week or so.. Everyone thinks I'm insane, but is £8000 really a lot of money for a dream come true??

I haven't got it, lol. I'm loaning it for the next 4 years.. But not that much more than the loan I took out for the Fiesta, really..
Money is just money, but a 1958 Plymouth Savoy is an object of beauty! :D
Sep 01 2012 09:00 pm

Got a family party today.. Hate my family and I hate parties.. Should be fun :0/

Funny you should say that as I'm on W3Schools.com at the moment! I knew some of the basics already but getting into forms and stuff and starting to mash up my brain.. God help me when I get to the advanced stuff!
Jul 05 2012 09:38 pm -
Send me a PM if you ever get stuck or want to do something that Google can't help you with. I do HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL and a dabble of Javascript! Used to do web development & design part time until I ran out of time when I got promoted at work.
Jul 06 2012 05:59 pm -
Cheers Jason - Still getting to grips with the basics but I'll bear that in mind when I get to CSS/PHP-based stuff :)
Jul 07 2012 01:22 am

Going for a job interview this afternoon.. If I get it, I won't need a car anymore! ( O_O)

Just had an all too brief 30 seconds of hard, fast, rough pleasure involving another man, 2 helmets, and a big stick.

Just bought a second Fiesta.. So we are now a 2 Fiesta household! Not quite as nice as mine, obviously..