Member Since 28 Jul 2012Offline Last Active Nov 30 2021 04:47 pm
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Day spent with dad trying to get subframe back on mums car, subframe still isn't on :(

car now missing windscreen wiper mechanism, egr valve and front left strut. We really don't make much progress when putting a car back together.
Aug 27 2013 12:09 am

After the garage being hit last year by someone turning in our driveway, mums car has just had £1400 of damage caused by white van hitting it while turning in our driveway

just got 2 quotes with diamond, only difference is the name, every other detail the same - one is over £100 cheaper than the other, WTF!?

just as i think about getting some more ram and an ssd hard drive the psu dies :(

Box is almost finished can't wait to get the new sub in the car, amp was delivered today too :D

going to be driving over 800 miles over the weekend starting tomorrow :(

Wash, De-tar, Clay, 2 layers polish then wax - I am exhausted but the car looks lovely :) that bilt hamber clay is so easy to use

Speakers now back in the car, very happy, they actually have some midbass to them now. Now to pack up the car and drive back to newcastle before finishing the boot build.