Member Since 29 Aug 2012Offline Last Active Mar 03 2016 03:03 pm
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Been an expensive few months but its all coming together now! Car will be completely different for next year! I should really update my project at some point :L

bank balance just took a hit :O hopefully a big update coming soon :D

just fitted my richbrook aerial, why does it only get signal when im holding the aerial? any ideas?

zetec s steve
Epic fail!
I will get a wall tie from work or a wire coat hanger for you mark ;)
Feb 10 2014 10:40 pm -
Why not return it ? End of the day it is not fit for purpose. All these aftermarket aerials are dire
Feb 13 2014 04:30 pm

zetec s steve
Yeah was in the work shop at rstuning the other day I think under a tarp
Feb 07 2014 03:08 pm

Mahooosive thanks to @zetec s steve , finally got my Headunit fitted after 4 hours of swearing and shredded hands!

zetec s steve
Do you think injury lawyers for you will think I have a case into massacres hands!
Jan 13 2014 09:57 pm

Are you using the keys? May sound silly but they are called Mercedes keys, and make sure each 4 are facing the correct way
Jan 12 2014 08:44 pm -
Yeah using the keys, check my thread in mk6 section I put a picture up, hopefully going to steves tomorrow night and he can do it ;) haha
Jan 12 2014 08:48 pm

If I insure alloys on my car, but run my standard wheels is my insurance void or am I still covered?

zetec s steve
Well should of let me do it while your off to your holidays
You wanted the 35mm Eibachs and mine on coileys yeah ;)
Dec 28 2013 09:59 pm -