Member Since 03 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Dec 10 2012 07:20 pm
About Me
Well what can i say really about me?
My names Steph and I'm 22 from the blissful town of Doncaster
I work as a full time supervisor at Frankie and Benny's, living with my boyfriend (andrew_c), he just got a new toy to play with after years of ka's so persuaded me to get on the club hype. I own a 1.4 fiesta mk7 in hot magenta and it's standard for now, have had it since june 2011 when i passed my test (little late being 20 and all)
I enjoy baking, card making and other crafts in my spare time (which is not plentiful by any standards)! Also seeing my friends and going to the cinema, drinking etc. I enjoy meeting new people which is my main reason for joining.
I also have one sister who owns a mk6, will try getting her to join shortly, well that's it for now, anything more just ask.... off to work
My names Steph and I'm 22 from the blissful town of Doncaster

I work as a full time supervisor at Frankie and Benny's, living with my boyfriend (andrew_c), he just got a new toy to play with after years of ka's so persuaded me to get on the club hype. I own a 1.4 fiesta mk7 in hot magenta and it's standard for now, have had it since june 2011 when i passed my test (little late being 20 and all)
I enjoy baking, card making and other crafts in my spare time (which is not plentiful by any standards)! Also seeing my friends and going to the cinema, drinking etc. I enjoy meeting new people which is my main reason for joining.
I also have one sister who owns a mk6, will try getting her to join shortly, well that's it for now, anything more just ask.... off to work

Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 0
- Profile Views 2,485
- Member Title Newbie!
- Age 34 years old
- Birthday July 18, 1990
Crafts and Baking, Spending time with friends, not especially my car for now but never know that may change
Fiesta Mk7
Real Name
Stephanilla hasn't added any friends yet.
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