Member Since 06 Jul 2014Offline Last Active Sep 06 2019 02:14 am
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This time last year i was scouring project threads for ideas for the Fiesta I had yet to buy. This year im doing the exact same for the Fiesta I now own. LOL

Yes they sure are. It's fantastic. A lot of car for the money. Mk6.5s have plummeted down too
May 24 2015 02:54 pm -
They just keep dropping, I carnt see why though.on the plus side there will be plenty more New owner coming over to fiestas
May 30 2015 01:26 am -
Michael (VLR)
Most likely because theyre getting older and theres been a new model with a facelift released since
Jun 09 2015 11:19 am

Was thinking of adding a heated screen to my mk6 style. Possible or not worth the hassle?

Flumpys was a really good read minus the 2 crashes and 20+ spam/flirtation pages
Mar 19 2015 03:27 am

I wouldn't call it rags but i will have a thread going up soon of my standard ZS going through some big changes :)
Nov 24 2014 07:10 pm