Member Since 15 Sep 2014Offline Last Active Feb 10 2015 01:51 pm
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In need of a job to pay for my car (and mortgage of course)....anyone in need of a whipping boy?

so the lady has been cleaned inside and out and had a waxing. Feeling positive for 2015.

Project is on hold at the moment due to lack of funds :-( have been made redundant from my part time job and just been told I'm being made redundant in my main job next year too! :-(

Take it as an opportunity to better yourself and come back better than ever.
Nov 13 2014 04:33 pm -

after 3 weeks I have the Fez back, New valves, New head, oil and filter change

Michael (VLR)
Hooray! Now...sell the engine and put a big one in...something for 4x4 malarky ;)
Oct 06 2014 09:49 am

STILL NO FEZ!!! sent the garage a text and got a reply "you car is still not ready, we will need it longer than expected" :-( they sent me a message on Saturday saying it was "ready for delivery on Monday!!"

I've seen a picture of the plug..... it's all smooth down one side where the thread should be >< lol!
Oh well, at least it will have some new parts, may have to wait a little bit longer before replacing the engine :-D just to "apreciate" the work done and all that!
Oct 02 2014 02:52 pm -

fingers crossed, I will be getting the Fez back tonight with new zorst and manifold. :-D

So, an oil change, filters change, plugs change and new manifold.... I'll be getting the 1.25 back on Monday only to rip it all out in 6 months time...... :-)