Will Sidy
Will Sidy
Member Since 22 Sep 2010Offline Last Active Jun 15 2020 01:18 pm
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Will Sidy
Haha, it's still pretty much standard ;). You know me, I love modding far too much!
Jan 09 2014 09:20 pm

Will Sidy
Watching the 'live' tweets by the RFU just brought all the memories rushing back of that special day 10 years ago... #swinglow ;)

Will Sidy
I think I've managed to catch the modding bug already! Fitting parts within the first 10mins of owning the car and now a month in planning a few major upgrades :D. I'm gonna be broke...

Will Sidy
Tell me about it haha. I think it was more me hoping I wasn't going to mod it to save money :P.
Yeah thats true! I just don't tell her now if I do a mod haha. Best one was my coilovers on my old car, only reason she found out was because she banged her get getting into the car & then fell into the seat screaming 'you've lowered the bloody thing haven't you'. Oops haha.
Nov 08 2013 11:51 am -
zetec s steve
Ha as said women don't understand I also don't tell them about mods but if they notice I also bring up the shoe argument ha!
Nov 08 2013 04:46 pm -
I'be got the opposite problem lol, missus has said all the audio has to stay in the car when I get a new one and she gets mine, including the subwoofer :(
Nov 10 2013 03:08 pm

Will Sidy
Bit of a random question but do we have any Architects on here or anybody who's studying Architecture? Want to try and find a bit of info out about the courses before I take the plunge. Cheers, Will.

zetec s steve
Probably won't help to
Much I nearly studied level 4 bricklaying which then lead to
Level 5 which was architec based and it looked
Good but the usual learning all the stupid health and safety **** and learning about 'future methods' that 'will'
Come over here eventually
Just looked
Really complicated
Oct 18 2013 03:51 pm -
Will Sidy
Well I've just completed my HNC in construction which is all about new build methods etc. so I'm alright in that area, just wanted to make sure that the courses aren't to art based as I just design buildings off a **** sketch I've done and then put them onto CAD.
Oct 19 2013 09:19 am -
zetec s steve
No I'm sure there's my computer drawing that there is hand drawing, the hand drawing the easy bit it's all the different symbols for different materials that would get me
Oct 19 2013 08:36 pm

Will Sidy
Took delivery of the new car today & fitted my first mod within 10 mins haha. Done 100 miles in the first day just going around the country lanes :D